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Why We Defend DWI Charges in Wilmington, NC?

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Why Do We Defend Against DWI Charges in Wilmington, NC?

“How can you do that?” we often hear from people when they learn that we are DWI defense lawyers. “How can you in good conscience defend drunk drivers?”

This question reveals a fundamental misunderstanding of why we do what we do.

If you’ve been arrested and charged with DWI, you deserve the same legal protection that anyone else deserves when they’ve been charged with a criminal offense, which is why criminal law is the only area of law that guarantees legal representation for the accused – even if the accused cannot afford to hire a private attorney.

why we defend dwi charges in wilmingtion attorney

The Constitution Is Not A Technicality

We don’t practice DWI defense in North Carolina just to get drivers “off” through so-called technicalities. (We believe there are no technicalities in the law.) Because the constitution is not a technicality. It protects citizens against police officers and prosecutors who overstep their bounds.

How do the police and prosecutors (and sometimes lawmakers) overstep their bounds? Here are a few examples:

  • The police. There are certain “signs” that give officers reasonable suspicion that you are driving while impaired, such as the odor of alcohol or bloodshot eyes. Most police reports will include these signs as boilerplate, to “prove out” the officer’s suspicions, even if you’ve only had a drink or two.
  • The prosecutor. Prosecutors wield enormous power, including the ability to bring charges against you that are higher than what are called for under the circumstances, just to get you to plead down to a lesser offense.
  • The legislature. There are many who question the legality of DWI sobriety checkpoints, as it allows for a type of “end-run” around the requirements that police officers have probable cause or reasonable suspicion to pull you over for a traffic offense.

why we defend dwi charges in wilmingtion nc

Driving While Impaired Attorneys In Wilmington, North Carolina

If you’ve been arrested and charged with DWI, consider hiring an attorney with more than 20 years of experience defending people just like you, from first time drunk driving charges to repeat DWI offenses. Call 910-251-8080 or contact us online to discuss your options.


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Our Locations Leland And Wilmington

4009 Oleander Drive Wilmington, NC 28403

110 Old Fayetteville Road Leland, NC 28451