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Wilmington Whiplash Lawyer

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We Work Hard To Ensure You’re Fully Compensated For A Whiplash Injury in Wilmington, NC

The forces involved in a car or truck accident can cause hyperflexion and hyperextension of the neck, resulting in an injury commonly referred to as whiplash. While many insurance companies do not take whiplash claims seriously, the injury is real and can affect your life for months or years.

At Christina Rivenbark & Associates, our attorneys will work hard to ensure you are fully compensated for damages such as medical bills, lost wages, and pain and suffering resulting from another person’s negligence. For a free consultation with a serious injury attorney serving Wilmington and other communities in North Carolina, please call 910-251-8080.

wilmington whiplash lawyer

Symptoms of A Whiplash Injury

Whiplash injuries may occur in rear-end collisions and other types of car accidents. In the aftermath of an accident, you may not realize that you have even suffered a neck injury. It may take a day or two before you begin to notice symptoms that something is not right. Some of the signs of a whiplash injury are:

  • Neck and back pain
  • Pain to the shoulders
  • Sensory issues, such as a feeling of pins and needles to the extremities
  • Headaches

In a severe case of whiplash, you may suffer a brain injury known as a coup-contrecoup injury. Family members may be the first to notice symptoms such as irritability, memory issues, sleeplessness or excessive sleeping, difficulty concentrating, and sensitivity to light or sounds.

wilmington whiplash attorney

Contact A Wilmington Whiplash Injury Attorney

You should not try to tough out a serious injury. If you don’t seek medical attention and follow up on your doctor’s treatment recommendations, your injury could become chronic. In addition, the insurance company of the at-fault driver will likely deny your injury claim unless you have medical documentation of your diagnosis and treatment.

Please call our office at 910-251-8080 or contact us online to schedule a free, no-risk consultation. Our Whiplash lawyers represent clients in Wilmington and other communities in North Carolina.


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Our Locations Leland And Wilmington

4009 Oleander Drive Wilmington, NC 28403

110 Old Fayetteville Road Leland, NC 28451