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Wilmington License Revocation Lawyer

Home > Wilmington License Revocation Lawyer

Helping Clients Drive Lawfully After Revocation

Have you been charged with driving while impaired (DWI), forcing you to deal with a driver’s license revocation as well as other harsh consequences? Do you have a critical need to try to save the commercial driver’s license (CDL) you depend on to make your living?

Perhaps you have been charged with driving while license revoked (DWLR) — a serious offense that can be punishable by an automatic jail term and an extended suspension. You may need professional legal help navigating complex procedures to get a limited driving privilege. In any such situation, we encourage you to contact us now for a free consultation.

wilmington license revocation attorney

Informed Counsel And Skilled Action To Combat Your Driver’s License Problem

At the respected, longstanding law firm Christina Rivenbark & Associates, our attorneys represent people throughout the area in DMV hearings and in our district courts virtually every working day. We bring strong knowledge of relevant laws, courts and officials to every driver’s license suspension or revocation challenge we handle for our clients, including:

  • Offering resourceful, determined drunk driving defense and handling all associated challenges involving driver’s license revocation
  • Representing people who need to seek a limited driving privilege in order to work or meet essential family obligations
  • Negotiating and litigating for the best possible outcomes when our clients face traffic violations that put them at risk for driver’s license revocation
  • Aggressively advocating for the return of cars and trucks to innocent owners whose vehicles were seized in a DWI-and-DWLR arrest of another individual
  • Filing a motion for appropriate release (MAR) that can lead to restoration of your driving privilege under certain circumstances

wilmington license revocation lawyer

Put Our Wilmington License Revocation Lawyers To Work On Your Case

Anyone driving in North Carolina without a valid license — or a limited driving privilege granted by the DMV — is at risk for extremely serious consequences.

Whether you need to fight to preserve your license, seek a limited driving privilege or deal with another type of criminal or traffic charge, please contact us online or call our caring, experienced Wilmington license revocation lawyers today at 910-251-8080.


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Our Locations Leland And Wilmington

4009 Oleander Drive Wilmington, NC 28403

110 Old Fayetteville Road Leland, NC 28451