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3 ways you can combat drowsy driving

Balancing work, family and other important aspects of your life can take a lot of effort. You may also feel like there are not enough hours in the day to waste too many sleeping. If you drive when you are not well-rested, though, you may be asking for trouble. 

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported drowsy driving contributed to nearly 800 traffic fatalities across the country in 2017 alone. Don’t leave your personal safety to chance. Learn how you can combat drowsy driving.

Understand the connection between age and drowsiness 

Drowsiness can affect any driver at any time. Still, people of certain ages may need more rest before hitting the road. For example, because they are still growing, teenagers and young adults usually need more sleep than older people.

Medical conditions can increase risks

Millions of Americans do not get enough sleep during any given week. Some of them, though, have medical conditions that making sleeping even harder, including:

  • Narcolepsy
  • Restless leg syndrome
  • Sleep apnea
  • Asthma
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • High blood pressure

If you have any of these medical conditions or other sleep disorders, you may have a greater risk of falling asleep on the road. Before driving, think about how your medical history may affect both your safety and the safety of others. Likewise, because some prescriptions can cause drowsiness, make sure you understand the potential side effects of any medication you take.

Lay off the booze 

Drunk driving is never a good idea. After all, if you get behind the wheel with a blood alcohol concentration above North Carolina’s 0.08% legal limit, you face legal, professional and personal consequences. Still, even a small amount of booze may make you dangerously sleepy. While you may not have a BAC above the legal limit, alcohol may make you too tired to drive safely.

Because drowsy driving can be dangerous, you must understand how to fight back. Boost your odds of getting where you are going without a sleep-related accident with solid information and a bit of care.

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